Casa Forte Biljana Lazarevic Serbia, Belgrade
- Offer & Request International cooperation
CASH BACK IMO doo Mirko Vincetic Serbia, Belgrade
Chamber of Commerce - CCI RS Olivera Radic Bosnia-Herzegovina, Banja Luka
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vladimir Blagojević Bosnia-Herzegovina, Banja Luka
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Marko Kovacevic Serbia, Belgrade
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Tatjana Beuk Pirusic Serbia, Belgrade
City Express d.o.o. Company Goran Maravić Serbia, Beograd
COFACE SRBIJA DOO Đorđe Živanović Serbia, Beograd
COFACE SRBIJA DOO Milka Zakić Serbia, Beograd
CONFIDA Christian Braunig Serbia, Beograd
CONFIDA Consulting Nevenka Petrovic Serbia, Belgrade
- Offer & Request Support/education to start-up business, cross-border tax optimization
Confindustria Est Europa Erich Cossutta Italy, Rome
Consulteer AG Goran Đorđević Serbia, Belgrade
- Offer End-to-end software solutions development & Team sourcing
Conveo Solutions ANA ANTIC Serbia, Belgrade
Conveo Solutions Tijana Podgorac Serbia,
Council of Europe Development Bank Carlo Monticelli France, Paris
Council of Europe Development Bank Jasmina Glisovic France, Paris
CPA Solution d.o.o. Danijela Golic Serbia, Belgrade
DAMM Management&Marketing doo Franco Delneri Serbia, Belgrado
- Offer Consultancy services in Serbia
Bilateral Talks
- Participants155
- Meetings Requested476
- Meetings Accepted170
Albania 1
Austria 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 12
Bulgaria 4
Croatia 5
Cyprus 1
Czech Republic 1
France 4
Hungary 1
Italy 12
Macedonia 1
Montenegro 13
Romania 1
Serbia 209
Slovenia 1
Switzerland 1
United Kingdom 1
- Total of Participants270
Profile views
- Before Event10874
- After Event606707