Louis Loizou
Galaktokomika Proionta M. Loizou Ltd
Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday 17:00 - 19:30
DescriptionProducer of dairy products mainly of traditional cheese, halloumi sold in vacuum packing. Halloumi cheese is a semi-hard cheese garnished with mint packed in brine (salty water) and vacuumed made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk and sometimes also cow's milk. It can be served in many ways, i.e. fried, grilled or as an ingredient in many recipes. The company exports to other countries like Kuwait, Bahrain, Australia, UK, Korea, France and Greece.
Organization Type
Email louis@loizoudairies.com
CityLimassol, Google map
Areas of Activities
Agro Food
Looking for Food Retails and suppliers of HORECA industry
Looking for retail shops (supermarkets) as well as companies supplying the HORECA industry, preferably top class restaurants and hotels in Serbia. Potential partners must be established companies with experience in dairy products. To have the appropriate infrastructure and transport vehicles (with refrigerators) for delivering dairy products.
Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution