Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday 17:00 - 19:30

DescriptionInstruments MB d.o.o. is
engaged in wholesale, maintenance,service and calibration of laboratory and
measuring equipment and supplies of world renowned manufacturers. Our goal is to provide a high level of service and support to our customers through long-term and successful cooperation.
Instruments MB d.o.o. is primarily oriented towards working with world famous companies based on exclusive representation and distribution. Our sales program includes food, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries, trade chains in the food industry, health institutions, scientific institutes and institutes in the field of energy efficiency and environmental protection.
Instrumenti MB d.o.o. se bavi veleprodajom, održavanjem i servisom laboratorijske i merne opreme i potrošnim materijalom renomiranih svetskih proizvođača. Naš cilj je da obezbedimo visok nivo usluga i podršku našim korisnicima kroz dugogodišnju i uspešnu saradnju.
Instrumenti MB d.o.o. je primarno orijentisan ka radu sa svetski poznatim kompanijama zasnovanom na ekskluzivnom zastupanju i distribuciji. Našim prodajnim programom obuhvaćene su prehrambena, poljoprivredna i farmaceutska industrija, trgovinski lanci u prehrambenoj industriji, zdravstvene ustanove, naučni instituti i instituti iz oblasti energetske efikasnosti i zaštite životne sredine.
Instruments MB d.o.o. is primarily oriented towards working with world famous companies based on exclusive representation and distribution. Our sales program includes food, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries, trade chains in the food industry, health institutions, scientific institutes and institutes in the field of energy efficiency and environmental protection.
Instrumenti MB d.o.o. se bavi veleprodajom, održavanjem i servisom laboratorijske i merne opreme i potrošnim materijalom renomiranih svetskih proizvođača. Naš cilj je da obezbedimo visok nivo usluga i podršku našim korisnicima kroz dugogodišnju i uspešnu saradnju.
Instrumenti MB d.o.o. je primarno orijentisan ka radu sa svetski poznatim kompanijama zasnovanom na ekskluzivnom zastupanju i distribuciji. Našim prodajnim programom obuhvaćene su prehrambena, poljoprivredna i farmaceutska industrija, trgovinski lanci u prehrambenoj industriji, zdravstvene ustanove, naučni instituti i instituti iz oblasti energetske efikasnosti i zaštite životne sredine.
Organization Type
Email office@instrumentimb.rs
CityBelgrade, Nehruova 51a/I-86, Novi Beograd Google map