Jelena Anđelković Grašar
Research associate
Viminacium ArcheoPark - Institute of Archaeology
Bilateral Meetings
DescriptionInstitute of Archaeology Belgrade is a unique and central archaeological scientific research institution in Serbia. It was founded in 1947 by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The Institute has been, since decades, the leader in research of archaeological heritage via many projects, as well as Viminacium - the project dedicated to the research of the largest Roman city of the province Upper Moesia and an important legionary fortress on Danubian limes during the first centuries AD. The Institute of Archaeology has significant capacity for international research and science engagement cooperation. With the opening of Viminacium Archaeological Park in 2006, the Institute has got the leading role in interpretation and presentation of the cultural heritage, both in Serbia and Europe. Among other things, it has been succeeded by participating in many EU funded projects. An international exhibition promoting the cultural and touristic route IRS - The Roads of the Roman Emperors, organized by the Viminacium Archaeological Park, has been held in many countries around the world since 2013, and has been seen by hundreds of thousands of visitors. Various events, workshops, conferences and congresses as well as film shootings have happened in the Viminacium Archaeological Park.
It represents sustainable project, where people from local community are employed, one of the most important points on the map of cultural tourism in Serbia, and a product which can be presented and used as a toolkit or a model for successful affirmation of cultural treasures of the Republic of Serbia. We are interested in any kind of cooperation which can bring benefits, both to the research (on the national and international basis) and commerce, since the tourism is supposed to be one of the industrial branches in focus.
Organization Type
Email j.andjelkovic@ai.ac.rs
CityBelgrade, Knez Mihailova 35/4 Google map
Areas of Activities