Rados Lale Djurisic
Predsjednik organizacije
Udruzenje malinara Andrijevica
Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday 17:00 - 19:30
DescriptionUdruženje je osnovano 2003. godine. Izvršava sve aktivnosti u oblasti malina u Crnoj Gori. Registrovan je kao klaster Ministarstva ekonomije. On je potpisnik sporazuma o saradnji sa Ministarstvom poljoprivrede u Vladi Crne Gore, a njegov predsjednik je član Svjetske organizacije malina IRO u Čileu.
The association was formed in 2003. Carries out all activities in the field of raspberries in Montenegro. It is registered as a cluster of the Ministry of Economy. He is a signatory of the cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture in the Government of Montenegro, and his president is a member of the World Organization of Raspberry IRO in Chile.
The association was formed in 2003. Carries out all activities in the field of raspberries in Montenegro. It is registered as a cluster of the Ministry of Economy. He is a signatory of the cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture in the Government of Montenegro, and his president is a member of the World Organization of Raspberry IRO in Chile.
Organization Type
Phone+382 067 091 920
Email malinar.me@gmail.com
CityAndrijevica, Kralje Google map
Areas of Activities
Agro Food
Projektni i poslovni partneri
Saradnja iz oblasti poljoprivrede (malinarstva) .