Havas Adriatic Alexandre Milicevic Serbia, Belgrade
Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce Ana Grujovic Serbia, Belgrade
RAS Branka Marinković Serbia, Belgrade
GOŠA MONTAŽA AD Beograd Agencies BRANKO ŠLJIVAR Serbia, Beograd
eSigurnost Aleksandar Vukalović Serbia, Belgrade
University of Nis Vladislav Marjanović Serbia, Niš
- Offer & Request International cooperation
The Sales Academy Serbia Miloš Stojaković Serbia, 11030 Belgrade
- Offer Sales & Management Consulting
Joksovic, Stojanovic & Partners Milan Joksovic Serbia, Belgrade
Belgian Serbian Business Association Milica Vranjanac Serbia, Belgrade
NLB Banka Dejan Janjatovic Serbia, Belgrade
Cablex S d.o.o Goran Mikanović Serbia, Ruma
- Offer Electrical components
Free Zone Smederevo Milica Mijatovic Serbia, Smederevo
Industrijsko bilje doo Olga Curovic Serbia, Novi Sad
PRIVREDNA KOMORA CRNE GORE Anka Vojvodić Serbia, Belgrade
Law office of Dragana Lj. Djordjevic Dragana Djordjevic Serbia, Belgrade
Vlassak Trade Bojana Vlassak Serbia, Belgrade
- Offer Wastewater treatments
Vlassak Trade, Dutch company based in Serbia Henri Vlassak Serbia, Belgrade
- Offer & Request Consulting/outsourcing
Nemačko-srpska privredna komora Stevan Đurić Serbia, Beograd
Holiday Inn Express Belgrade-City Olivier SI TAHAR Serbia, Belgrade
Institute of meat hygiene and technology Vesna Djordjević Serbia, Belgrade
Bilateral Talks
- Participants155
- Meetings Requested476
- Meetings Accepted170
Albania 1
Austria 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 12
Bulgaria 4
Croatia 5
Cyprus 1
Czech Republic 1
France 4
Hungary 1
Italy 12
Macedonia 1
Montenegro 13
Romania 1
Serbia 209
Slovenia 1
Switzerland 1
United Kingdom 1
- Total of Participants270
Profile views
- Before Event10874
- After Event606956